Learn how to sink a pool ball into a pocket.
What do pool sharks know that you don't about sinking a ball? Lots.
You Will Need
* A pool table
* Pool balls
* A rack
* A pool cue
* A pool table
* Pool balls
* A rack
* A pool cue
Step 1. Watch the pros
Spend some time watching pool tournaments. See what tricks you can pick up from studying the pros.
Step 2. Chalk your cue
Chalk your cue before each shot, holding the chalk at a slight angle as you gently brush it onto the tip. Don't chalk from side to side, and don't spin the tip into the chalk.
Step 3. Line up the shot
While getting into your shooting stance, line up the shot with your chin.
Step 4. Keep the cue level
Hold the cue as level as possible. The forearm of your dominant hand should be at a 90-degree angle to the floor.
Step 5. Straighten your head
Make sure your head is pointing straight ahead. Amateurs tend to tilt their head in the direction of their dominant eye, which throws off their aim.
Step 6. Pull your arm back slowly
As you begin your shot, pull your arm back slowly and steadily, as if you were drawing back a bow and arrow.
Step 7. Fire!
Keep the cue steady as you hit the ball, and stay in position until the ball (hopefully!) falls into a pocket.
Tip: Press down on the fingertips of the hand that's on the table, so that your arm doesn't move when you make your shot.
Fact: In 1920, a billiards pro named Henry Lewis sank 46 balls without a miss — using his nose!
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